DIPARTIMENTO SARAS, Sapienza – Università di Roma A lecture by Issam Marjani (Univerisità di Pisa) Lingua araba: Origine, Struttura, Variazione Venue: Aula VI di Facoltà, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, Rome (Italy) Date and time: May 16th, 2023 | h. 1 p.m. Course: Religious History of Islam Info: prof. M. Di Branco, marco.dibranco(at)uniroma1.it
We cordially invite you to attend the Round Table L’influence de la religion néoplatonicienne dans les monothéismes au Moyen Âge De l’Antiquité tardive à la fin du Moyen Âge, le développement de la pensée juive, chrétienne et musulmane ne peut être compris sans les sources hellénistiques et post hellénistiques qui en sont à la base. […]
Studia graeco-arabica features critical articles and reviews on the transmission of philosophical and scientific texts from and into various languages – Greek, Syriac, Arabic, and Latin – from late Antiquity to the Middle Ages and Renaissance (ISSN Online 2239-012X). Studia graeco-arabica follows a double-blind peer review process. Online: Studia graeco-arabica 12 (2022). L’influence du néoplatonisme […]
Faculté des lettres et des Sciences Humaines Département de Philosophie – Université Sidi Mohammed Fes (Morocco) Laboratoire “Droit, Philosophie et Société” — Centre D’Études Ibn Rushd (CEIR) — MSCA project THEIA (GA 892639) A lecture by Prof. Lenn E. Goodman (Vanderbilt University, Tennessee) The Heritage of Islamic Humanism Date: Dec. 27, 2022 — H. […]
Letture medievali di Aristotele: il De Caelo e le Meteore, Pisa University Press, Pisa 2022. more… Contributions by: C. Baffioni, C. Cerami, E.Coda, I. Costa, G. Endress, A. Falcon, Ph. Hoffmann, H. Hugonnard-Roche, I. Kupreeva, C. Martini Bonadeo.
We cordially invite you to attend the International Meeting “Autour de Thémistius” to be held in Paris, Bibliothèque du Saulchoir, on May 3-4, 2022. Convenors: Elisa Coda, Tiziano Dorandi Sponsor: This meeting has has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 892630 Website: www.theiaproject.eu
This volume of Studia graeco-arabica marks a new beginning in the life of our journal with the Pisa University Press: we are most grateful to its Editorial Board for including SGA among the journals of the PUP. Our warm thanks go also to the Publisher Pacini Editore S.r.l. for ten years of fruitful cooperation. The […]
We cordially invite you to attend the Workshop Determinismo, libertà, provvidenza nel pensiero tardoantico Nov. 24, Chiara Ombretta Tommasi (Università di Pisa) – h. 8.30-10 Nov. 30, Marco Zambon (Università di Padova)- h. 8.30-10 Dec. 01, Giovanni Catapano (Università di Padova)- h. 8.30-10 Dec. 14, Giulia Guidara (Università di Pisa)- h. 8.30-10 Dec. 15, Elisa […]
We cordially invite you to attend the Online International Meeting on Teorie musicali e insegnamento nella tradizione antica e medievale Pisa, September 16-17, 2021 Zoom – link: https://unipd.zoom.us/j/87950492965?pwd=c3h4MlRvWWNTT3BrMHFqZnkzZ2hOdz09 SPEAKERS: Carmela Baffioni (Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale / Institute of Ismaili Studies, London), Giovanni Catapano (Università di Padova), Paola Dessì (Università di Padova), Stefan Hagel (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Wien), Cecilia Martini (Università di Padova), Angelo […]
Explore Learning Roads titles new or scheduled for publication in between! BROWSE RESULTS – SERIES GRECO ARABO LATINO. LE VIE DEL SAPERE BROWSE RESULTS – JOURNAL Studia graeco-arabica
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