The Learning Roads

Pan-Mediterranean interculturality is a major concern of the present day. It is our conviction that this is not only a wishful thinking or a goal to achieve, but also something that had existed in the past, be it only at the level of the learned communities, and something that it is our responsibility to re-discover. Follow […]

Studia graeco-arabica 13 (2023) – Subscription orders

Studia graeco-arabica has been initiated in 2011 as part and parcel of the ERC research project “Greek into Arabic”. In few years it has already gained a reputation for publishing high quality scholarship on the transmission of the philosophical and scientific learning from Greek into Arabic and Syriac, and from Arabic into Latin. Studia graeco-arabica […]

International Lectures

Workshop – Thèmes et Problèmes de Philosophie arabe médiévale, Fès (Morocco): Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines Dhar El Mahraz, Salle des conférences Alqarawiyyn. In celebration of the publication of the Arabic translation of the book Der Islam. Eine Einführung in seine Geschichte by Gerhard Endress, a conference was held in the city of […]

Lectures on Ancient and Late Ancient Philosophy, 2024

We cordially invite you to attend the lecture by Prof. Marco Zambon (Università degli Studi di Padova) Filone nella tradizione alessandrina tra filosofia ed esegesi Date: May 6, 2024 Time: 2.15 p.m. Venue: Dept. CFS, Complesso ex-Salesiani (Aula SAL1), via dei Mille 19, Pisa. Flyer (Italian)

Workshop – Thèmes et Problèmes de Philosophie arabe médiévale

We cordially invite you to attend the International Workshop Thèmes et Problèmes de Philosophie arabe médiévale to be held in Fès (Morocco): Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines Dhar El Mahraz, Salle des conférences Alqarawiyyn 14h30 — Accueil et Introduction Mustapha Ijjaali, Président de l’Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah Khalid Lazaare, Doyen de la […]

London Book Fair 2024

Twenty-eight Italian publishers are present at the London Book Fair 2024 from March 12th-14th at the historic Olympia Exhibition Center in London. The Greco Arabo Latino. Le vie del sapere series is represented at the fair with 5 titles. The last edition of the London Book Fair was attended by more than 30,000 visitors from […]

Burgundio of Pisa 1193 > 2023

We cordially invite you to visit Burgundio da Pisa 1193 > 2023 Viaggiare e tradurre nel Medioevo dates: November 16th, 2023 at 4p.m. Public presentation of the Exhibition Venue: Sala delle Baleari, Palazzo Gambacorti, Pisa Novembre 20th, 2023 at 9.30 Opening of the Exhibition Venue: Centro Congressi Le Benedettine, piazza San Paolo a Ripa d’Arno 16, Pisa […]

Pseudo-Aristotle. De Mundo Greek, Syriac, Arabic, and Latin

We cordially invite you to attend the International Workshop Pseudo-Aristotle. De Mundo Greek, Syriac, Arabic, and Latin to be held in Pisa, Centro Congressi Le Benedettine dell’Università di Pisa (piazza S. Paolo a Ripa d’Arno, 16) on Nov. 20–23, 2023 Program Nov. 20, 2023 – Centro Congressi Le Benedettine Aula B 9.30 Welcome, Simone Maria Collavini, Head of the Dept. “Civiltà e Forme del […]

Studia graeco-arabica 13 (2023) – Now Available

Studia graeco-arabica features critical articles and reviews on the transmission of philosophical and scientific texts from and into various languages – Greek, Syriac, Arabic, and Latin – from late Antiquity to the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Studia graeco-arabica follows a double-blind peer review process. Online: Studia graeco-arabica 13 (2023) ISSN 2281-2687 / ISSN 2239-012X (Online) […]

Lectures on Ancient and Late Ancient Philosophy, 2023

We cordially invite you to attend the lecture by Prof. Riccardo Chiaradonna (Università degli Studi di Rom a Tre) Ente e Uno in Plotino: Enneadi VI 9 e VI 2 Date: Sept. 27, 2023 Time: 10.15 a.m. Venue: Dept. CFS, Palazzo Carità (Aula PAO-B1), via P. Paoli 15, Pisa Program (PDF)   info: cristina.dancona[at]

Lecture – Lingua araba: Origine Struttura Variazione

DIPARTIMENTO SARAS, Sapienza – Università di Roma A lecture by Issam Marjani (Univerisità di Pisa) Lingua araba: Origine, Struttura, Variazione Venue: Aula VI di Facoltà, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, Rome (Italy) Date and time: May 16th, 2023 | h. 1 p.m. Course: Religious History of Islam Info: prof. M. Di Branco, marco.dibranco(at)

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