The Learning Roads

Pan-Mediterranean interculturality is a major concern of the present day. It is our conviction that this is not only a wishful thinking or a goal to achieve, but also something that had existed in the past, be it only at the level of the learned communities, and something that it is our responsibility to re-discover. Follow […]

Studia graeco-arabica 13 (2023) – Subscription orders

Studia graeco-arabica has been initiated in 2011 as part and parcel of the ERC research project “Greek into Arabic”. In few years it has already gained a reputation for publishing high quality scholarship on the transmission of the philosophical and scientific learning from Greek into Arabic and Syriac, and from Arabic into Latin. Studia graeco-arabica […]

International Lectures

Workshop – Thèmes et Problèmes de Philosophie arabe médiévale, Fès (Morocco): Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines Dhar El Mahraz, Salle des conférences Alqarawiyyn. In celebration of the publication of the Arabic translation of the book Der Islam. Eine Einführung in seine Geschichte by Gerhard Endress, a conference was held in the city of […]

Egypt, Italian archaeological mission live on Facebook

Archaeologists engaged in the missions in Egypt led by Professor Marilina Betrò show almost live the discoveries made in the field with notes, pictures and films on Facebook. Follow them on “Egittologia UniPi”  

The G2A Web Application

Anyone who wants to approach to medieval Greco-Arabic translations has to face with the problem of the relationship between the original Greek text and the Arabic translation. The Arabic translators at times changed the order of the part of the Greek original. An example is the Arabic translation of Aristotle’s Metaphysics: in the Arabic version, […]

Greek into Arabic Philosophical Concepts and Linguistic Bridges

International Workshop Greek into Arabic. Philosophical Concepts and Linguistic Bridges March 14, 2017 (Aula Magna, Palazzo Boileau, via Santa Maria 85, Pisa) 9.30 Introduzione – Pierluigi Barrotta, Direttore del Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere 10.00 Cristina D’Ancona, “Greek into Arabic” 2010-2015 10.15 Andrea Bozzi, Linguistica e filologia computazionali per traduzioni di testi antichi: modello, infrastruttura e esempi  10.45 […]

International Lectures

Per Palmira. Giornata dedicata alla memoria di Khaled Al-Asaad – Pisa, Gipsoteca di Arte Antica, Piazza San Paolo all’Orto, December 9, 2015, 10:00 AM. The archeological site of Palmira is the latest victim of the cultural carnage perpetrated by the Islamic State. The archeologist Khaled Al-Asaad, Director of the site, has been beheaded, the temples and […]

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