Lo pseudo-Dionigi Aeropagita in Siria, a Bisanzio e nel Medioevo latino
A lecture by Prof. Johannes Niehoff (Freie Universität Berlin Institut für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie)
Date: Dec. 3, 2018 Time: 8.45 a.m.
Venue : Dept. CFS, Polo ex-Guidotti (Aula GUID-5), via Trieste 38, Pisa.
Convenor: Cristina D’Ancona
Contact: learningroads@cfs.unipi.it
Previous events in the series - International Lectures, April 2017
Al-Ghazali’s Critique of the Cosmology of the Philosophers
A lecture by Dr. Veysel Kaya (Istanbul University)
Date: April 26, 2017 Time: 8.45 a.m.
Venue : Palazzo Carità, Aula Seminari C, 2nd floor.
Convenor: Cristina D’Ancona
Contact: learningroads@cfs.unipi.it
Previous events in the series - International Lectures, March 2017
The Ṣābi’ans of Ṣā‘id al-Andalusī
A lecture by Prof. Godefroid de Callataÿ (Louvain-la-Neuve)
Date: March 13, 2017 Time: 9.15 a.m.
Venue : Palazzo Boileau (Aula Magna), via Santa Maria 85, 1st floor.
Convenor: Cristina D’Ancona
Contact: learningroads@cfs.unipi.it
Previous events in the series - International Lectures, April 2016

A lecture by Concetta Luna (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa).
November 2015 saw the publication of the critical edition of Copernicus’ De Revolutionibus, the watershed work in the history of cosmology that put an end to the geocentric model of the universe. Thanks to the tireless effort and acumen of a team composed by Michel-Pierre Lerner, Alain Philippe Segonds (1942-2011), Jean-Pierre Verdet, Concetta Luna and other scholars working in connection with the Observatoire de Paris, the De Revolutionibus is now open to scholars, with complete annotation.
Convenor: Cristina D’Ancona
Contact: learningroads@cfs.unipi.it

The Niniveh Plain has been home to Christians since the 1st century AD. They have been forced to flee from their home by the Islamic State. In its attempt to destroy Christianity in Iraq, ISIS demolishes churches and burns libraries. The history of the Christian community and the present situation will be the focus of a meeting in Pisa, November 9th, 2015.
Convenor: Cristina D’Ancona, Elisa Coda
Contact: learningroads@cfs.unipi.it
Previous events in the series - International Lectures, June 2015

Convenor: Issam Marjani
Contact: learningroads@cfs.unipi.it
Previous events in the series - International Lectures, May 2015

Pisa, May 25, 2015 – 11.00 a.m.
The Liber de Causis, Past and Future.
The Research on this “source de la métaphysique au Moyen Age” and its Developments.
Convenor: Cristina D’Ancona
Contact: learningroads@cfs.unipi.it
Previous events in the series - International Lectures, May 2015

Pisa, May 12, 2015 – 14.00 p.m. Proofs for the Existence of God in Islamic Theology. A Comparative Outlook
May 13, 2015 – 14.00 p.m. How Deep is the Kalam Rooted in Late Antiquity?
Convenor: Cristina D’Ancona
Contact: learningroads@cfs.unipi.it