Posts Categorized: publications


European Research Council (ERC) – Supporting top researchers from anywhere in the world Website of the European Research Council Thérèse-Anne Druart, Brief Bibliographical Guide for Islamic Philosophy and Theology An extremely useful bibliography, constantly updated, on Arabic-Islamic Philosophy and Kalām Bibliothèque du Saulchoir Established in 1865, the Bibliothèque du Saulchoir (a non profit-making organisation in […]

G2A web Application

Anyone who wants to approach the Medieval translations from Greek into Arabic has to face the problem of the relationship between the original Greek text and its version. The Arabic translators were often compelled to alter the order of the Greek sentence for syntactical reasons. At times, they also changed the structure of the text. An example […]

Bibliotheca Arabica Scholasticorum Online

A License Agreement between the Publisher Dar el-Mashreq and the Research Unit grants access to the volumes of the series Bibliotheca Arabica Scholasticorum.   Averroès, Tahāfut at-tahāfut, Texte arabe inédit établi par Maurice Bouyges, Imprimerie Catholique Beyrouth 1930, 1987 (Bibliotheca Arabica Scholasticorum, Série arabe III).   Averroès, Tafsir ma ba‘d at-tabi‘at, Texte arabe inédit établi par Maurice Bouyges, Imprimerie Catholique, Beyrouth […]

Greco, Arabo, Latino. Le vie del sapere. Testi e Studi

Series “Greco, Arabo, Latino. Le vie del sapere” “Greco, Arabo, Latino. Le vie del sapere”. TESTI 8. Plotino, Se esistono idee anche di particolari V 7[18], Introduzione, testo greco, traduzione e commento di Roberto Zucchi, Prefazione di Cristina D’Ancona, Pisa University Press, Pisa 2024. 7. Orosius, Seven Books of Histories Against the Pagans (Arabic Version), Introduction, […]

Publications & Online Resources

The Learning Roads is dedicated to supporting scholarship in the fields of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy and History, from late Antiquity to the Middle Ages and Renaissance, as well as in Religious History, Oriental and Islamic studies. We continue to expand our publications both in-print and online to serve the largest possible community of scholars in our […]

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