We cordially invite you to attend the International Workshop “Trifunzionalità: trent’anni dopo Georges Dumézil (4 marzo 1898 – 11 ottobre 1986)” to be held on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at 9.30-18.00 at the Gipsoteca di Arte Antica (Piazza S. Paolo all’Orto) within the context of the Program “Forme e rappresentazioni del sacro nel mondo mediterraneo antico“ directed by Prof. […]
In November 2015, “The Learning Roads” was honored to host a presentation by Father Najeeb Michaeel O.P., who at the risk of his life saved from the destructions perpetrated by the Islamic State thousands of manuscripts housed in Mosul. UNESCO paid tribute to his courage and far-sightedness: http://www.unesco.de/en/kultur/welterbe/exhibition/heritage-heroes/iraq.html We are glad to share this important […]
Department of Civiltà e forme del sapere (University of Pisa) “Language and truth. Philosophy and the religious discourse” June 30, 2016 – 15.00-19.00 July 1, 2016 – 9.00 – 17.30 Venue: Pisa, Palazzo Matteucci – Aula Magna, piazza Torricelli 2, 56126 Pisa Scientific Board: Progetto PRA “La filosofia e i linguaggi delle forme di esperienza” (Dipartimento […]
Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics (University of Pisa) “L’Oriente nel Mediterraneo Contatti di Lingue e Culture” May 30-31, 2016 (Pisa, Palazzo Venera – Museo e Orto botanico) June 6, 2016 (Museo e Orto botanico) The Conference is organised by Prof. Roberto Peroni (University of Pisa) and Dr. Issam Marjani (University of Pisa), and will take place at the Department of Philology, […]
We cordially invite you to attend the lecture by Prof. Franco Ferrari (Università di Salerno): “Riflessioni sull’ontologia platonica” Friday, May 13, 2016 – 8:30 The lecture is organised by Prof. Bruno Centrone, and will take place at the Dipartimento di Civiltà e forme del sapere, via Pasquale Paoli 15 (Aula Liva) Full program
November 2015 saw the publication of the critical edition of Copernicus’ De Revolutionibus, the watershed work in the history of cosmology that put an end to the geocentric model of the universe. Thanks to the tireless effort and acumen of a team composed by Michel-Pierre Lerner, Alain Philippe Segonds (1942-2011), Jean-Pierre Verdet, Concetta Luna and […]
We cordially invite you to attend the lecture by Prof. Jordi Pia (Université Paris III, Sorbonne Nouvelle) “Marco Aurelio: uno stoico ‘freddo’? L’importanza della religione nel primo libro dei Pensieri” to be held on Monday, April 18, 2016 at 11:00 within the context of the Program “Forme e rappresentazioni del sacro nel mondo mediterraneo antico“ directed by […]
Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom International Conference “Southern Italy as Contact Area and Border Region during the Early Middle Ages” Religious-Cultural Heterogeneity and Competing Powers in Local, Transregional and Universal Dimensions April 4-6, 2016 The Conference is organised by Dr. Kordula Wolf (Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom) and Dr. Claudia Alraum (Friedrich-AlexanderUniversität Erlangen-Nürnberg), and will take place […]
We cordially invite you to attend the lecture by Prof. Rita Lizzi (Università di Perugia) “Costantino e la Tyche” to be held on Friday, November 27, 2015 at 9:00 The seminar is organised by Prof. Chiara O. Tommasi, and will take place at the Gipsoteca di Arte Antica, Piazza S. Paolo all’Orto 20, Pisa. Lecture on Religious History,_November 27_2015
We cordially invite you to attend two lectures by Prof. Emidio Spinelli (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”): “Lo scetticismo accademico”, Thursday, Nov. 26, 2015 – 16:00 “Lo scetticismo pirroniano” Friday, Nov. 27, 2015 – 8:30 The seminar is organised by Prof. Bruno Centrone, and will take place at the Dipartimento di Civiltà e forme del sapere, Palazzo Ricci, […]
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